Hi !
I am Omer
Freelance iOS Developer



I am Omer Kırsever

I started the department of computer engineering at Sakarya University in 2017. I will graduate in June 2022. In this process, I developed projects with .NET for companies. I also improved skills in Javascript and HTML CSS. Currently freelance and trying to become indie iOS Developer. I enjoy developing iOS very well.


Fuel Tracker

A statistics application develop for vehicle owners. By adding information such as costs, expense, fuel purchase etc. You can see how much fuel the vehicle consumes and monthly/yearly expenses. You can track your vehicles with charts view and widgets. Added different language localization.

ARSense iOS/Web App

Augmented reality application that can be used by all sectors. Companies can share 3D object through our website. They can display products to the augmented reality world with our many features such as image recognition.

Product website: arsense.app

Chat App

I used SwiftUI and Firebase. It is a real time messaging application. It is also open source. You can find it on my GitHub profile.

Populer App Clones

I make clone apps in my spare time to improve myself. You can view the screenshots by scrolling sideways.
